Inhouse Judging Night

Published by webadmin on

Last Tuesday we had another inhouse judging night, a bit different from what we had last time. Our external competition sub-committee assembled print-outs from the various external print and digital competitions we entered (as a club), together with the top three results of that competition. It was really good to see where we stand among the other clubs, and that we are doing well for such a small club. Well done all, and thanks again to the sub-committe (Jill, Rosemary and Katrina) for putting this together!

The remainder of the evening was then in the (now) common format of having three more or less 🙂 voluntary club members voicing their thoughts about other full voluntary club member image submissions, in an effort to practice taking and giving critique. I think there were some good lessons in there to learn. And Nadine got probably most out of it, as she had the lion share of the images submitted. Sorry Darren for your images not shown, your USB stick was hidden. My fault.

Next week is no club night, it’s committee meeting time. If you want to be more involved into what’s happening behind the scenes, think about joining the committee and help with a very diverse set of tasks. Talk to anybody on the committee if you are keen.

Categories: Club Night